5 Ways to Love Yourself More

Self-Love, Self-Care, gratitude, Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day Gifts, Love, February, The Tiny Spa, Massage, Massage therapists, Facials

As we all know, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. This week we want to take a moment & remind you of how you can better show yourself some love. When we show ourselves love, we fill our own cups and can better pour into others.

If you’ve been looking for some reminders on how to better love yourself, we’ve got some great ones for you:

  • Become more mindful. Paying more attention to what we read, listen to, hang around & put our energy into can really have an impact on us. We become what we consume and believe, so next time you start negative self-talk, try and switch it off & replace it with a positive thought OR even get up for a quick walk or grab some water. If you know that you can fall into a social media scrolling hole, maybe set a timer or replace the scrolling with something like reading, listening to a podcast, or exercising.

  • Have an attitude of gratitude. In addition to being mindful, making a habit of acknowledging all the good in your life makes it much easier to feel happy & more optimistic. Psychology research shows that gratitude is consistently associated with greater happiness. The more appreciation shown for what we currently have in our lives is going to help us feel better and in-turn, enjoy the day-to-day of life more.

  • Practice self-care. Part of loving yourself is taking care of yourself. Take 5 extra minutes to do that face mask, schedule that massage, get a workout in, sit in your car alone - whatever self-care looks like for you, prioritize it.

  • Write & speak affirmations. The repetition of certain thoughts has been proven to change your brain, influencing our neural pathways. Over time, affirmations can help us become more resilient & even boost our mood. Affirmations are a great tool to have in your well-being toolbox.

  • Romanticize Your Life. Your life is as great as you make it. Making the best out of what is currently in your life is a great way to enjoy each moment of your life a little more. You may be thinking “how can I do this?”, start with writing out your daily routine. This will allow you to really see your day & where you can squeeze in some extra minutes to be intentional and make tasks that seem mundane a little more exciting. You might find that you have an extra 15-20 minutes where you can get a walk in, call a friend, journal, or read instead of scrolling on your phone or procrastinating. You could also do something as simple as pouring your sparkling water into a fancy glass. 

Incorporating one or all of the above will boost your mood, confidence and help you feel better the more you do it. Sometimes incorporating self-love can feel selfish, especially if you are a Mom. You’re being pulled in 100 different directions every. single. day. & you’re left feeling exhausted. It’s not always easy, but it is so important to take some time for you. You cannot give your best self to your loved ones if you aren’t feeling loved and like your best self. Being loved starts with us. 

For Valentine’s Day this year, we want to challenge you to take the whole month of February to incorporate more self-love into your daily routine. If this idea seems overwhelming to you, take a deep breath, then start small. Baby steps are key here. Even if you start with one of the above, try it out for 3-5 days and then maybe add in a second and so on. You should start to feel a little better each day with each step.

Maybe you’re already incorporating the tips above in your life and feeling stuck. If this is you, try re-writing out your daily routine and see where you can add in some self-care, journaling, exercise or romanticization. 

When we feel better, we can love others better. Starting or re-starting self-love in the month of February can help set us up for a better 2023. In addition to all of the above, remember you can book a massage or facial for yourself or someone you love with us at The Tiny Spa. Schedule your appointment here.

Until next time,


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